Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mein Garten!

I thought that I would post early in excitement of the coming celebration that is July 1st. Not only is it Canada Day – GO CANADA! – it’s also the day that I get health benefits! It’ll be a relief to know that I can finally go see a doctor without worrying that we’ll be paying mucho buckos. I can’t believe it’s been 2 yrs+ since I’ve seen a doctor... that seems almost scary now looking back. Not that I’m sick now or anything, it’ll just be another thing I can check off from my worry list. Next is to get Chris a health plan also, not like the little bugger ever gets sick :) but just in case he falls off a ladder or I throw a knife at him.

An update on the fishies - we’ve lost a few, but they keep having babies so we’re up more than we’re down. Thankfully not all of the deaths have been unexplained occurrences; some of them are just simply getting old.

In other news…Our favorite little patient is doing well and is making a speedy recovery. Hopefully he’ll have his err appliance (?) off in 3-4 weeks, as I know that would really give him a boost. We did a fathers day/welcome home day on Sunday last week and it was really nice to have the whole family together (Brian was also there, and though he isn’t legally family yet, he may as well be). We had a great dinner, and even managed some games afterwards. I’m still worried about our now wheelchair bound boy, but he speaks about the future with great fervor that makes me believe he will change his life.

Also, I thought everyone should know that I rock at Harvest Moon. We found my game cube in a box, and I’ve been enjoying a few of my old games again. I forgot how fun it was to sometimes do mindless things, it really eases some of the stress of a day of work.

Another good thing that is coming up is my long weekend for July 4th – silly Americans – where I have a beautiful 4 day weekend. I already have mapped out my time for gardening and getting the house completed, that’s right I said completed. My goal is to have the entire house arranged and unpacked by the evening of Monday 7/7. I figure one more week of putzing in the yard and then the mega weekend and I should have had sufficient amount of time to get this house into order. It’ll be nice not to have to come home and see a wall of boxes! Hopefully in time that if/when any of our extended family come out it’ll look organized and put together. Sorry that there isn't any after pics, my camera's battery died. So hopefully I'll get that done next week, but the one's that are posted are after I ripped out all the stuff. Enjoy.

An update on the kittens – they had their first taste of wet (it smells terrible) food and they loved it. Too much so, now after I’ve given them their dinner scoop of dry food they keep meowing in hopes that they’ll soften me. No such luck for them, but I’m debating about whether I should just give them a small portion for dinner on weekends as a treat. We’ll see, Chris is anti-wet cat food, hehe.

It’s silly but I feel so happy and yet so sad lately, hopefully I’m not bipolar. Sorry bipolar disorder isn’t a laughing matter. I just don’t know how to explain it. I’m happy about the house and how life seems to slowly be falling into place, but other things still keep dragging me down. Perhaps I just need a bit more sun, on that note, the garden is looking good. Well good may be an overstatement. It’s coming along, though anything is better than what it used to look like. I still have to figure out the sprinkler system because it doesn’t seem to be doing what it’s set for, but that’s another days work.

This week at work has been long… not only are we down a person (technically two, one is out on maternity), our server has been offline since Friday morning. We truly are hopeless without our computers, especially since all our records are kept and updated via our network. They with be back up, supposedly, tomorrow. In any case I have mounds and mounds of work piling up that I can’t even get to unless the computers are up and running. The next few days will fly by as I expect I’ll be busier than ever trying to catch up.

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