Enough about that, as it has already commanded far too much attention as is.
This weekend has been quite calm, nothing amazing or shocking happened. Our tv stopped working, which isn't bad, just a nuisance. Hmmmm nothing really else has happened. I have to get some dr appointments set up, but finding new dr's is more of a hassle then I first thought. It's not just as easy as closing your eyes and swinging your finger around on a page and stopping - I tried it. What else shall I write about?
MmMmMm. I know! I can steal something from someone elses blog. BEHOLD! A square about Me:

This is stolen from Jennifer, aka http://thewordcellar.blogspot.com/ . She has all the guidelines should you want to make one yourself.
I'm currently reading a book called Sybil - about a girl and her multiple personalities. It's quite something, definitely not a light read. If anyone has any suggestions of books to read feel free to post or email me. I always have a book on the go, and I like reading what other people read.
I'll leave you with a quote....
"The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing"
-Marcus Aurelius
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