Some weeks are harder than others. Some make you want to dance or sing, and others make you want to tear our your hair and stomp on teddy bears.
This week was the week of 'the change'. It hasn't been bad, but it's been quite a handful getting into a new routine. And as anyone who lives in the states know, with the economy being what it is, I'm lucky to still have a job. Which brings me onto the newest change during the week of change - they decided that instead of heave hoe'ing one of us, we're each going to work 4hrs less a week in order to help alleviate some of the economy woes that we're currently facing. /breathe of relief, I still have a job. For now. On a positive note I spoke with my office mgr and she said that if things changed and my future here was less certain that she'd give me a heads up.
Needless to say, not going to lose sleep over it just yet.
Onto more important things - there's this kitten I know..she's extremely hairy and evidently doesn't know how to clean herself. This resulted in her being ceremonially dipped in and out of the bathtub that was filled with water. Now to the question - in order to prevent some of the kitten dirtiness should I: a) wash her more often b) cut off some of that hair or c) ignore it and it'll go away. In an attempt to keep the princess'sssss cleaner we got some long haired kitty litter to help sort out some of the other dirty issues :).
Chris is encouraging me to start classes this Spring. I really want to start working towards my degree but at the same time I feel like I have zero time as is. Sure I could cut things back a bit, but as is I'm spread thinner than butter on a dieters piece of bread, I don't have any time to even figure out what I'd cut back on! I'll add that to my weekend todo list. /furrows brow.
I've been craving meat all week - knowing me, this is an extremely rare event. So behold...Tonight is chicken night - the best night of the month or whenever we have it. I must explain. Chicken night is not just eating chicken - it's an assortment of chicken. We cook up three + recipes of chicken and snack on them as finger food over the evening with wine. And by we, I mean Chris, because lets face it, I ain't the shiniest pan in the cupboard. I'm salivating with the mere thoughts of chicken night.
Oh! I have officially moved into my office, and am making it home. I have a little wall of quotes, and have sanitized every inch of everything. It's nice, I can put my ipod on and listen to some tuneage as I work, and hum without anyone hearing - unless they walk by of course. My filing is set and in motion, my printer prints, and best of all it's mine. Still not quite done but we'll get to the little things like setting up my voicemail later.
I'll finish this up later.
Happy tgif peoples!
Best Books of February
As I say every month, I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Jessica
Lahey. She has a recurring monthly date where she reviews all the books she
reads tha...
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