Little boy blue is slowly improving, he was fully standing in his physio yesterday (I almost screamed when Mumma Kasey told me that, I was so proud). Still praying that he'll make a full recovery - and that this will be used to guide others. I miss him a lot, not that I'm shocked I do, but seeing him and him not being totally himself is hard. God must really want his heart as it was a miracle he survived in the first place!
It's still a go for the move today and this weekend - thank goodness. I was a little worried that something would happen and it wouldn't be possible, as this single thing is keeping me hopeful and my head above the water. Chris is going to possibly clean the carpets today and we'll start moving things into the garage. It'll be nice not to be rushed as I took Monday off in preparation, so we could move and still have some breathing time.
Thinking of trying to go organic...we'll see about that one. I think I'm finally rock bottom enough to realize it and work on my health. I'm taking a multivitamin and some primrose oil at the moment, and I found out that I adore mangos (they're really good tasting, who would have thought it?)..shocking news I know.
Time for me to pound out some resumes. May God bless your day with the knowledge that his love surrounds you always - even in the darkest of times :)
By the way if you love tea as much as I do, a great site for buying it is:
1 comment:
Hey Chickie!
Your sister just told me about your blog.
Good to hear you're doing well!
miss you! i can't believe its been almost 2 years since i saw you last!
and its GREAT to hear you like mangos... can you believe that for the last 3 years, i've been trying to convince a few friends of mine that its delicious, but no such luck.
I got addicted to them 3 years ago in Brazil. oh my i miss Brazil...
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