So we went to see it because it looked on the funny side, a lot of actors we both enjoyed were in it so we thought what the heck lets give it a go.
Unfortunately....this thinly plotted movie is held together by gasping full frontal
nudity's of the not so attractive Jason

Yes I said gasping, in a full movie theatre there was stunned gasps after the first flash, half gasps and one or two laughs after the second flash, and silence after the third flash.I think the saddest part is it could have been so much better if there was more of a plot and a lot less sexual
Anyways I'd give it a C+, like the rediculous highschooler who could do better, but flops because all of his like minded friends are flopping about also.
Besides the world of crummy movies, my allergies are in full charge so benedril is driving me to continue through the day until the glorious time when I get to go home and hide from the orange tree blossoms.